Pregnancy Week 33 Plan

Oh what a week last week was. So many things have happened. I got my citizenship, I’m so proud. I’ll be honest though, I took full advantage of being pregnant. Hee hee. I made my way to the front of the line, and it’s okay. I mean, nobody has to know I lift in the mornings, right? In all seriousness though, the ceremony is really awesome but incredibly long. Security lines are huge – just that day 3,985 people became citizens, that’s a lot of people, so you can imagine the amount of people. Being pregnant at the ceremony had other advantages as well, like they didn’t take my drink and snack (they took my husband’s drink away…). This was long overdue, and I couldn’t be happier.


Sophie again had a one day fever, Thursday night she went up all the way 102.7 – her fever goes up really high in a really short amount of time… So she skipped preschool on Friday – but at least I got to sleep in with her. Of course, she was totally fine on Friday, check this picture out and you’ll know what I’m talking about. 😉


My overall state of being can be characterized as tired and frustrated, overall. I still wake up at 4:45am to read (right now I’m reading The Power of I Am by Joel Osteen), then I work out, morning prep, take Sophie to preschool, work at home, pick Sophie up, spend time with her, make dinner, have dinner, walk the dogs (on better days, it hasn’t been happening as much as it should lately), evening prep then bed time. The days are long, but productive. And I’m not frustrated with anyone in particular, just in general. Which I think it’s worse, actually. But it is what it is, other than being aware of it and controlling it that way, there’s not much else I can do about it. Did you feel like this during your pregnancy? 

I had a friend  come over and help me sort baby clothes this weekend, it’s crazy how much we have saved, what’s even crazier is how much of what is not salvageable I actually kept. Did you keep your old baby clothes?


But on to this week: I’m 33 weeks pregnant!!! I’m definitely feeling it, I’m sore, have more belly ache and pressure, baby girl is definitely putting mommy to the test. I’m excited to meet her but of course, for now, she needs to stay in there where it’s safe for her. I’m worried a tiny bit though, about how mornings and evenings are going to be, how we’ll manage two amazing girls with both of them getting love and attention. I know, I know…. These things resolve on their own, but the truth is, both will get less love in a way. 


Last week our meals were good and I got all my workouts in – took Friday off but used Saturday as my makeup day. Mornings are the best, it’s all downhill from there, haha.

With that, this weeks plans are:



Until next week, stay active, eat well, and be happy. 🙂 

Compliment or Creepy?

Scenario A

Imagine a friend of yours asks you to go out to dinner with him/her and a couple other friends you never met before. You say yes, since you don’t get out much anyways, and you decide to take your husband and your 16 month old with you. What you’re wearing is not completely irrelevant, and what matters is that your figure is obvious (not in a trashy way, maybe skinny jeans and a form fitting sweater). When you sit down at the table, this guy you never met before, but you know is a friend of your friend, asks: “is that your baby girl?” you reply: “yes”. “Wow, you sure are in good shape”.

Would you consider that a compliment? I think I would. I’d say thank you humbly, but think to myself “heck yeah, I’ve been working my a$$ off since Sophie was 3.5 months old (not giving up breastfeeding, and bonding time with her, of course) so I am damn proud”. I am.

Scenario B

You go out for a walk in your neighborhood on an afternoon, wearing just Victoria’s Secret yoga pants and a form-fitting sweater. Tennis shoes. This guy in a dark SUV slows down next to you a few streets down from yours, and asks the same thing: “is that your baby girl?” you reply: “yes”. “Wow, you sure are in good shape”.

Would you consider that a compliment? I don’t think I would. In fact, I’d think to myself (okay, maybe say it out loud too, not loud enough for anyone to hear, but loud enough that the word have weight to it): “creepy” and I’d also be happy I never leave without the pepper spray, even though we live in a safe neighborhood.

Scenario A is imaginary and I made it up for the sake of comparison. Scenario B: true story, this afternoon. I am proud of how I look, because I work really hard for it. And I’m glad people notice.

Hm. Somewhat of a digression, but not really, I do post pics of myself on Instagram. Workout pics, progress pics. And there again: compliment. Is it because I choose what pictures I post? Is it because I have more control?

Is Scenario A safer just because my friend knows the guy and we purposefully have dinner together? Maybe the guy in Scenario B is a better person, or is in the health industry, sees a lot of women struggle to get back in shape after pregnancy, and maybe the guy in Scenario A is the creep. But on a superficial level, I did get creeped out. What is your reaction?