Ultimate Reset Day 20

Ultimate Reset: Day 20
The Finish Line

Yay, almost there!!! Though the day wasn’t a huge success. The pears I got were not ripe yet, so my breakfast consisted of one tiny apple. Not enough at all. And I swear I took a picture of my lunch – it was an avocaco jicama salad, quite yummy, actually, but it seems I deleted it. For Sophie and my husband I made salmon patty for lunch with mashed avocado. It smelled good. 😛


And then came dinner. Look at those colors (#nofilter). Dark green veggies, with red bell peppers, orange carrots. That’s variety.
Dark green veggies boost the immune system, help fight free radicals (those nasty little ones “often injure the cell, damaging the DNA, which creates the seed for disease” ~WebMd), and support vision, among many other benefits.
Red veggies lower blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad one, that leads to the formation of plague within the artery walls which puts pressure on the arteries, making it harder for blood to rush through, leading to heart problems).
Orange veggies promote healthy joints, are high in magnesium and Vitamin C.

Conclusion: eat your veggies. And don’t just eat one. I think all these veggie dishes taught me that there’s million ways to prepare them. In the meantime, I’m giving some to Sophie every day. She’s still picky and won’t eat them all, but she loves soup, no matter how vegetable tasting it is. That is my secret mom weapon. 😀