Chronicles of Motherhood – Now with Two (Week 1)

Definition of Mother: The greatest unconditional and infinite love we will ever experience in our existence

I was scared… worried… how am I gonna do this? How will I feel the same type and amount of love for Annabel I do for Sophie. How will we manage too now? How will Sophie react? Will she be jealous? Will she act out?


Sophie, our first daughter, born August 2012 is amazing. She’s pure love. Sure, she’s going through her “terrible two” right now (great timing huh), but by nature she is incredibly caring, loving, and comforting. She’s the little girl that will go up to anybody that’s crying to comfort them. She’s the little girl that will be first in her class to be there for the new child (female child, to be specific 😛 ) so that they’re not scared.

And she did live up to her character.


The moment her sister starts crying, she’s there. When I nurse, she’s there to help. When Annabel needs to be burped, she’s there. I couldn’t ask for a better helper. 

The only difficult part has been that both my husband and Sophie came down with something (not the same thing). My husband had fever, which she never gets, and Sophie probably had the common cold, but either way, we’ve been quarantined to the bedroom. Every time Sophie was allowed to go close to Annabel, she had to wear a mask.


She fought it a little bit, and it was hard for her to keep it on and not touch her nose and things like that, but she did it. Every night we talk about our day, highs and lows. Some days she’s being “silly billy”, like she says (a term she picked up at preschool), but some days she goes deep. Like the other day when she said the best part of her day was that her sister is finally here, and the worst part was that she has to wear a mask. Poor baby, but it’s for the best. If a newborn under the age of one month old gets fever (anything above 100.4), she’s automatically admitted for 48 hours. Luckily, everyone seems to be doing better and Annabel is fine as well.

And I just want to hold her.


And hold her and hold her because I know how fast time flies by. Of course, Sophie is only 3.5 as well, and I get to hold her plenty, but time is the most precious thing one could have (insert long pause here, something for another post another day).

I love being a mom of twoÂ