Pregnancy Week 32 Plan

It’s so nice to finally have my energy back. I still get more tired by the end of the day than in my second trimester, but I can at least wake up in the morning and do my workout, which truly is such a great thing. I did tell my husband though that if somebody sees me some evenings, they wouldn’t believe I work out in the morning. Sciatic pain is getting worse, the abdominal pressure is getting increasingly intense, Braxton Hicks contractions are getting more frequent, and there is just general discomfort all over… That’s not to complain though, it’s just important to note that it’s not always fun and easy, but that shouldn’t immediately mean we give up our healthy habits. 


So last week I did complete all my planned workouts, and our meals were almost on par, with a few hick-ups here and there. It’s all about making good and sometimes “itsokay” choices as I like to call them. One evening I was so tired we had to go out and eat. I had a power kale salad and a vegetable soup with sprouted grain bread on the side. The other evening our friends took us out for my birthday, I did have cake with ice cream and whipped cream. It’s all about finding balance. 

In the meantime I’m busy working on creating my pregnancy course helping other moms be their best at this time, but progress is slow, something always comes up. 

With that though, I’m really excited for this week. I’m excited to have Tony Horton back in my life for a whole 22 minutes on Monday with a sneak peak at his new workout routine. 



Until next week, stay active, eat well, and be happy 🙂 

Posing as a Single Mom

Evenings are definitely the hardest. See… Our usual evening routine is this:
The three of us have dinner together. I find it extremely important for a family to dine together. Not while watching TV, not in separate rooms, but at the same table only paying attention to our meal and each other. After dinner, we walk our two dogs then enjoy some time together as a family. While I prepare myself for bed (wash my face, etc), my husband prepares Sophie for bed. While I am putting Sophie to sleep, my husband takes care of Donny, our coonhound, who has glaucoma and needs three different eye drops ten minutes apart. After Sophie falls asleep, which takes anywhere between 15-50 minutes, we have alone time with my husband. That is, if she falls asleep. Sometimes she sleeps between us through the night.

As a single mom, our evening routine changes. We have dinner just the two of us – Sophie and I. I miss my husband. It’s not the same. Then we have a little play time – no walking the dogs (I once broke both of my hands while walking them, so I don’t dare to take them and Sophie out at the same time). Then I start the evening routine an hour before we would normally do so. Usually, half way through, Sophie starts crying. She’s not happy – she’s a Leo, needs to be with someone, surrounded by love and action. And she’s not. She’s not happy, and I’m not happy. I’m actually a little stressed from not being able to settle her down and just be with her. After she falls asleep – again, if she does, I spend time on work-related items. Then I go to bed, alone.

Now, this is not to complain. This is to appreciate. Appreciate my husband who takes such a huge part in raising Sophie – I know it should be like that for every family; but, sadly, it isn’t. After my husband is gone for a longer period of time, and is finally home, Sophie would rather not take a nap just to be with him (she then crashes, of course). And that’s love.
This is to appreciate Sophie, for she is amazing. Sure she cries, but normally she doesn’t. She is this little love bug who gives kisses, hugs, smiles – freely, without expecting anything in return. Children are so pure and innocent – don’t need much. Love, food, clean clothes and diapers; that’s really all it takes. She is one amazing baby.
This is to appreciate my time with her. However stressful it might get at times – let’s be honest, a baby crying for 30 minutes is no walk in the park. But at the end of the day, I get to watch her every step. Every first moment.
And last but definitely not least, this is to appreciate all single moms. So if you know one, believe me. She has the toughest job in the world and yet she manages. She is amazing. So if you’re a friend, a sibling, a parent, or anything to a single mom – after reading this blog, give her a hug and tell her how truly unbelievable she is for doing this by herself day in and day out.