Day 24

I don’t plan my rest days, because I either take one when my body tells me to or when we need to leave early. And oh did my body tell me I needed to take it easier. When I looked at my calendar and the workout I had planned (Combat 45 – Power Kata), all I could think was “no way, not today”. But I won’t lie, unless I’m time restricted or sick, I don’t like rest days AT ALL. So I just reached for my foam rolling/stretch routine with one of my favorite virtual trainers: Tony Horton. This was my “workout view” – I have, hands down, the best workout partner ever!!


And here are my daily stats:

ImageI did not eat as much as I should have though. I do have to tell you about this new app I downloaded. It’s called “MyNetDiary” – there is a free and a pro version. The pro version also track vitamins (which is why I decided to buy it) and, like MyFitnessPal, it has a bar code scanner. So give me a couple days of using it and I will post a review on it. But here’s a screen shot from yesterday, I love how it talks to me:


It does want me to eat more though than MyFitnessPal and what I have been eating (without losing weight, so I’ll have to look into the why of it).

Meal Details:

Pre-workout snack: Banana
Breakfast: scrambled eggs (1 whole egg three egg whites) with dry toast and a cup of home squeezed orange juice
Snack: chocolate fudge P90X bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Tortilla Crusted Fish (boo on the processed food but I like this one….)
Snack: Coconut milk latte
Snack: ShaleologyDinner: baked tilapia with roasted rosemary red potatoes and steamed veggies



Preheat oven to 450F.

Cut up two medium sized red potatoes into small cubes (I did about an inch). Toss with rosemary, olive oil, and salt, place in the oven, set timer to 15 minutes.

Prepare fish – make sure it’s less than an inch thick. Simply put salt on both sides, spray with olive oil, pour lemon juice on it and add some garlic on top. Add a little water to the pan.

Start steaming the vegetables – the timing of this depends on how you like your veggies, I personally steamed these in my rice cooker/steamer for 22 minutes.

When 15 mins are up, take the potatoes out to add a bit of water, the return to the oven, adding the fish. Bake for another 15-20 minutes (not longer, because the fish will have a rubbery taste).

Enjoy 🙂