Days 66-70, Pancakes, Salmon Dinner, and Babies Know it Best (proper form and technique)

Another week is over. And the end is kind of eh. But let’s start with

Day 66

Upper Body Blow Out gets me every time. Though my upper body strength has tremendously improved over the course of the last 10 weeks, and the results are visible (can’t wait to share them with you), this workout never gets easy. I wish my husband joined me in this one. He just “doesn’t do that stuff”. That stuff being my workouts. He does go to the gym though every now and then when his schedule allows for it.


Meal Details

Pre-workout snack: banana
Breakfast: Sophie’s leftover oatmeal with yogurt and apples (gotta say, she’s a trooper for eating it, I’m not the happiest with the consistency the second day. I’ll try and see if she likes overnight oats next week…)
Snack: Vega chocolate coconut protein bar
Snack: Minnie’s Bake Shop cookies (don’t judge…..)
Lunch: Morningstar chick patty with bread and veganaise
Snack: Coconut milk latter
Snack: almond butter jelly sandwich
Dinner: Penne with roasted red pepper and artichoke puree and shrimp
Snack: Greek yogurt with stevia and strawberries

Yeah, I was starving. I ate over 2,000 calories, which is pretty rare. But the body works in mysterious ways and we need to let it talk to us. Fine, not with the Disneyland cookies, but in general. Some days we eat more, some days we eat less. If the body wants food, don’t deny it, just make that food nutrient dense and healthy.

Days 67-68

I planned a Combat routine originally but decided to do Shock HIIT Plyo on Thursday – which was a great idea until the next day when I could really feel my hip. Not in a good way. So on Friday I just did the stretch routine. But oh do I have so many pictures to share with you.

First off: babies know it best. They do. They instinctively use the right technique. Just observe Sophie on the following picture:
– perfect squat to pick up the weights, not bending from the waist
– shoulders back, straight back
Pure perfection…

proper_weight_lifting_technique 1

Some foodie pics. I love pancakes (I posted the recipe for this one before, search pancake in my blog to find it, it’s the banana coconut pancake). If you make it, you absolutely MUST have the shredded coconut on top. It makes a huge difference. It truly does.

pancake breakfast

And dinner. So easy, and so yummy. I just put garlic salt on the salmon, maple syrup (it does flow down, but you just gotta keep putting the “marinade” back on – I marinated about 30 minutes before). Bake at 425 for 18 minutes. The asparagus is just 22-25 minutes at 425, simply spray it with olive oil, put garlic, salt, and Parmesan cheese on top (I did not have any…), wrap in aluminum foil and voila. Yumminess.


And my very own warrior stretching workout. Generating my own chi energy (which is difficult with Sophie around, though I would not have it any other way). This was a much needed workout. Sometimes you have to give your body a rest day, especially when it’s screaming for it. And mine was. I used to be scared of taking rest days. It felt like a setback, that I was lazy, or something. It’s not true. Our bodies need rest. Even a week off is not a setback. Unless that week turns into a slide with continuous bad nutrition choices, in which case, you might fall off track. But a conscious rest week, nah-hah. It’s smart to do.

LesMillsCombat_Inner Warrio

Quick stats for these two days (no meal details – you saw the highlights above, but you’ll see I’m a bit low on calories….)

Days 67&68

Days 79 & 80

This post is going to be short. I did a HIIT Power workout Saturday morning and all the good stuff pretty much ends there. We had a BBQ that evening for my brother-in-law’s birthday. I’m not even going to type all we ate (my neat handwriting in my calendar serves as a reminder). The next day I felt terrible. Sluggish and moody. I was not the most pleasant person to be around. Funny how when you watch how you eat (for the most part), sugar can kick you into such a low and nasty gear. And if that wasn’t enough, my husband brought me chocolate…. And (promise, this is the last negative thing 😛 ) Sophie slept until 10:30 am and by that time I was 1) too hungry to work out 2) the day would have been pushed out way too much. But all this was only motivation to be better in the following days. Not in this post though. If you read this far, you are amazing and I thank you.

Days 69&70
